Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Random Thoughts

If this were a category on Jeopardy it would be "potpourri." When I was a teacher, some of the administrators I worked with would call this a "brain dump" - a term I found to be both hilarious and very vivid. We would frequently sit in faculty meetings and brain storm and brain dump about how to make the schools we worked in less pathetic. Most of the answers, unfortunately, involved removing the children, arson, fleeing to Canada, or some sort of involuntary drug regimen for the children involving the lunch lady, meat loaf, and whatever it is they use to make hyperactive children enamored with sitting still.

Anyway, we weren't very good teachers, I suppose, because all of our ideas were completely impractical. Is that a word? Impractical? But that was the situation, and there weren't any practical solutions, but we did what we could. I was thinking about this because I spoke with a former student who is now getting ready for college. He's going to Syracuse on a track scholarship, which is pretty impressive considering how I remember this student. Tiny as can be. But I don't know the first thing about track so being small might help with being aerodynamic. No idea. Anyway, the point is it felt really good to hear how well he is doing, how proud his mom is, and it makes me miss teaching.

Today is Super Tuesday. Living in Texas, there isn't really much exciting about it - sitting and listening to talking heads as the other states get a chance to impact the presidential race. Huckabee wins West Virginia? I didn't know Huckabee was still in the race. If I were a candidate, I wouldn't want people from W. Virginia voting for me. That would terrify me, and, more importantly, if W. Virginia votes for someone, you know it terrifies the entire country. Of course, I say this without any idea of who has won past primaries there. It's just a guess.

I might have Obamamania, and my support is mainly based on intangible things - because I don't see a huge difference between Obama and Clinton on the issues. From what I understand, there are differences there, but mainly in the execution of certain goals, not the ultimate goal. I just enjoy listening to him speak. After eight years of listening to the current administration, I would much rather have someone tell me the country is screwed up, eloquently, than get line after line of smirks, haughty laughs, and condescending half-truths. It will be interesting to see how many young voters come out in favor of Obama - I think it will make a big difference.

I've also been thinking about a Burger Tax. I don't why, or why it's capitalized, but I think if we could somehow coerce McDonalds into giving us a cut of profit for the problems they cause, that would be responsible of the company. $0.25 from every Baconator – that would add up quick.

Kay Jewelers. Damn. Thought we were done with these commercials once the holidays were over, but then, bam, right during some basketball game: the-trying-to-guilt-me-into-buying-some-crap-no-one-wants-for-Valentine's day-commercial. Imagine how much your significant other must love you if he/she gets you some $99 2-karat piece of mass-produced shit. I continue my boycott of Kay Jewelers. I invite you to join me.

Finally, the Super Bowl… I guess the lesser of two evils prevailed. If I close my eyes and imagine Eli Manning isn't on the Giants, they are almost a likeable group, and they did beat the Cowboys. When Bill Belichick opens his mouth, it's a very strange thing. He comes across as creepy, angry, disdainful, and intelligent, all at once. I imagine his office is full of medieval torture devices, Nietzsche books, and posters of Oliver North. If he hit his kids, it wouldn’t surprise me.

Time to watch some election results – Tom Brokaw is all fired up.


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