Saturday, August 04, 2007

14 days?

So, I am a Dallasite. I have been told that this is what I am now. In a little over a week I start working at the courthouse downtown, and I probably won't be able to keep this bit of procrastination going. Especially because fantasy football will be kicking into gear. We'll see.

Dallas is hot and heavily paved. I now own a house, which is a strange feeling. I have spent more time in large stores full of useless decorative knick-knacks then I care to think about. The rest of the time I have been in home-depoish stores. I now smell like a mix of scented candles and sawdust. At some point the madness will stop, either when my credit card is declined or the house is "done." I am hoping for sooner than later.

The house is cool, though, in a good neighborhood. It is a good neighborhood because it is close to downtown. I don't understand how people commute for more than 20 minutes to work. Maybe that's why everyone in Dallas owns (or leases, I guess) nice cars, in order to be comfortable whilst sitting on the highways... I have much to learn about this city.

The most amazing thing, though, is the cable company. I cannot live without the internet. I don't know how to read a map anymore, the yellowpages overwhelms me, and without access to google life is ridiculously complicated. It is going to take Time Warner 14 days to come and hook up internet at my house. This seems absurd to me, like it should be a violation of some law. It's good business for this coffee house though. Gotta support the local businesses.


At August 6, 2007 at 1:54:00 AM PDT, Blogger John Sjölander said...

Congratulations on your house. You are now officiall grown up. :-P


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