Tuesday, September 04, 2007

viva france

So, I finally got around to watching the latest Michael Moore documentary, Sicko, and all I have to say is that it is the type of movie that everyone should see, regardless of their feelings about Moore's political agenda. Beyond his pandering (though his volume was turned down significantly in this film) lies the simple truth: our country's health care is messed up.

I don't claim to be any expert on health care, politics, etc., but the simple stories that Moore uses work to convey a much larger point - we treat poor people like shit because it's good business, and because they have limited resources to demand otherwise.

I am now anxiously awaiting my first encounter with an HMO, and I am terrified.


At September 5, 2007 at 11:48:00 PM PDT, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We may treat poor people like shit, but many of the socialist based health care plans treat old people like shit and rely on those people's children to provide the funding for necessary care as those people age. People over 65 can actually be denied access to certain types of medical procedures based solely on their age, leading them or their children to dump their entire life savings into paying for the elderly parent to have a procedure done overseas - in the US!

Think - do you want to pay for your 66 year old father or mother to have a gall-bladder stone surgically removed in another country? And what other country would you send them to? We're the last bastion of surgery for profit. If you can pay, we'll do the procedure...

I agree that our system is screwed up and that it needs a major overhaul (especially with insurance companies, which I personally consider to be the bane of human existence), but France and Canada's systems have severe drawbacks as well, and those should be recognized.

Having said that, I haven't seen Sicko. It may be the best movie ever. Although I found Bowling for Columbine to be a serious let down, except for when Michael Moore interviewed Charleton Heston - that was priceless!


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