Tuesday, October 02, 2007

october so soon?

And the pressure is on to think of a Halloween costume. The conversation usually starts back in September. The wife loves Halloween, it's always been her favorite holiday next to Christmas. There is a certain formula to picking a costume, especially if you want to be a real person as opposed to a monster or an inanimate object. It's hard to pull off the celebrity/movie character costume, because it can't be too obvious, but it can't be too obscure. The other year I was Pee Wee Herman, and that was just right. The wife did Uma Thurman from Pulp Fiction, and that also worked. For pop-culture references, a certain amount of time has to have passed, or it has to be just recent and weird enough (a la the Astronaut lady in diapers - but that might be too stale)...

We can't do the "couple's costume." We're not that kind of couple, though I don't mean any disrespect to couple's costume couples. It's just not our thing. We know we're together, our costumes don't need to match. Maybe if we could somehow construct a mobile airport restroom, I'd be willing to be Sen. Craig if she would be my foot-tapping neighbor next door. Probably not going to happen, though.

Not to sound callous, but suicidal celebrities have always had a place in my heart. Especially when they can't quite finish the job. Owen Wilson is ripe for the picking this year. I guess I just don't have any sympathy for those who have so much yet can't seem to appreciate things. I do have the nose for the role...

At this point, there aren't a lot of great options out there. I guess I could just "put my junk in that box" and be JT... God that song is amazing... Or, there's always my favorite wrestler.

I felt compelled to insert a random picture to spice things up. Multimedia here folks. Crazy... Oooh, gotta go watch Caveman before it gets cancelled.


At October 3, 2007 at 11:24:00 AM PDT, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"The conversation usually starts back in September. The wife loves Halloween, it's always been her favorite holiday next to Christmas."

I thought your wife was awesome when you showed me the chair she'd reupholstered herself, but now I realize that she and I are just kindred spirits. I too start thinking about Halloween back in September.

I'm just going with my reserve Slytherin costume this year, since I'm doing the Trick or Treating with the kids thing, and--let's face it--last year's Bluth's Frozen Banana Stand just can't be outdone. Alas. It was beautiful.


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