Monday, April 21, 2008

Your Honor, I'd Like to Move for a Mistrial

So, the other day someone sends me this story about an Austin attorney. Apparently, at the end of sentencing for his client, he decided to make a motion. With his hand. Like he was jerking off. Towards the prosecutor. The judge sentenced him to 90 days in jail.

The real story, though, is not what this guy did in court, but his name. Adam Reposa is a 2001 graduate of the University of Texas School of Law (way to make us proud). He passed the bar exam in 2003. And when he passed the bar, he decided to register with the state bar as Adam "Bulletproof" Reposa. That is awesome. Every attorney should have a nickname. Sure, we've all heard of Law & Order's "Hang 'em High" McCoy, and the "Texas Hammer" Jim Adler, but we should all do our part to make the Texas Bar more interesting. I call dibs on "Sweet Cheeks" and "Big Sexy."


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