Sunday, July 08, 2007

An Even Minier Review:

So, apparently “conviser” is not a word, but a person. Someone (assholishly) decided to break this news to me earlier today as if he was the 3rd President or had donated me his kidney.

I thought “conviser” made a cool word, and I’d been using it in casual conversation. Example: “Hey man, did you see those conviser highlights on sportscenter of the professional lacrosse all-star game skills competition???!!? They were to the point!”

See, it sounds kind of like “concise” and “reviser”, and after looking at the book I would imagine the word would also have something to do with an emphasis on charts and diagrams. But fuck if he isn’t a real dude living somewhere in Illinois teaching law at some piece of crap school. Richard J. Conviser. There he is. He would have been cooler as a word.

Either way, I’ve decided that I am going to take his mini-review and make it smaller. The mini-mini review will be 8 pages long and contain only the following words:

“reasonable” “negligence” “amendment” “duty” “easement” “deed” “malice” and “breach". It will be amazing.


At July 8, 2007 at 9:09:00 PM PDT, Blogger Filmista said...

He has a very large head.

I must admit to being confused about what exactly your new-word-that-is-also-his-name means, though.

I also don't understand why it being his name precludes your using it as a word. In fact, I do believe that's how we even got surnames in the first place.

Some names that are also words (From the 1000 most common surnames per the 1990 census):

So, to sum up. If you like the word, by god, use it. And punch whoever was snotty to you about it in the mouth.



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