In honor of my favorite Jeopardy! category, here are some random thoughts for my loyal readers who no doubt check back daily in the hopes that I will say something profound:
Slash, who is now hawking volkswagens, has lost all rock star credibility. In order to get it back, he needs to take a rock star type car (2002 chevy cavalier), run over some puppies, then take the splattered remains to Taco Bell and have them come up with some nasty new burrito, and then he needs to eat the burrito. Satan.
I had a sandwich from the new law school cafe, Giorgi's, and it is my plan to hate this place, even if their sandwich tasted fine, because it is expensive and they will get my money because everything else near campus is eqaully overpriced, but across the street. My only hope is that this place can somehow replace the annoying coffee cart lady, but i'm sure she's got some union backing her. additionally, this place, Giorgi's, reminds me of Max's on Saved by the Bell.
My 1L team begins their march through the playoffs tonight, but because i broke a finger saving a burning school bus full of babies from terrorists in outer space i cannot play anymore flag football. ever.
Terrell Owens is still a bitch.