A List: Procrastination Videos
A conversation with a friend has prompted this list. He’d never heard of the “Oozinator.” This might be the only useful post I ever make, and because you are here, you are, by definition, incredibly bored and/or procrastinating. In no particular order, here is a list of links I've had sent my way that made me want to write Al Gore a "thank you" note for inventing the Internet. Many have already appeared in previous posts. You might laugh, you might cry, you might go immediately to eBay and search for an Oozinator auction. Enjoy...
1) The Leprechaun – this, to me, is the greatest piece of local news ever. Two years later and it still gets me.
2) Minesweeper Trailer – before Tia Tequila, MTV used to have some decent programming, and the guys from the State pop up now and again doing hilarious things.
3) The Oozinator – as if kids these days aren’t messed up enough.
4) Bug Flies into Reporter’s Mouth – pretty self explanatory, pretty hilarious.
5) Cats Boxing – if you like cats, you’ll love cats boxing.
6) Ultimate Warrior – I can't believe they took this video off of YouTube - I managed to find a low-quality, grainy substitute, but it isn't quite the same.
7) Dick in a Box - A classic, and also a solid Halloween costume.
8) People Getting Punched Before Eating – if only the rest of SNL was as good as their digital shorts. It’s really the song that makes it.
9) Lady Eating it With Grapes – local news comes through again. Worth the minute wait for some amazing (human?) noises.
10) Don't Taze Me – Tazers are inherently funny. but the Hammer remix is arguably better.
11) Flea Market Hey Hey – if I’m ever in Montgomery, Alabama, this is where I’m getting some furniture. Hey hey.
A conversation with a friend has prompted this list. He’d never heard of the “Oozinator.” This might be the only useful post I ever make, and because you are here, you are, by definition, incredibly bored and/or procrastinating. In no particular order, here is a list of links I've had sent my way that made me want to write Al Gore a "thank you" note for inventing the Internet. Many have already appeared in previous posts. You might laugh, you might cry, you might go immediately to eBay and search for an Oozinator auction. Enjoy...
1) The Leprechaun – this, to me, is the greatest piece of local news ever. Two years later and it still gets me.
2) Minesweeper Trailer – before Tia Tequila, MTV used to have some decent programming, and the guys from the State pop up now and again doing hilarious things.
3) The Oozinator – as if kids these days aren’t messed up enough.
4) Bug Flies into Reporter’s Mouth – pretty self explanatory, pretty hilarious.
5) Cats Boxing – if you like cats, you’ll love cats boxing.
6) Ultimate Warrior – I can't believe they took this video off of YouTube - I managed to find a low-quality, grainy substitute, but it isn't quite the same.
7) Dick in a Box - A classic, and also a solid Halloween costume.
8) People Getting Punched Before Eating – if only the rest of SNL was as good as their digital shorts. It’s really the song that makes it.
9) Lady Eating it With Grapes – local news comes through again. Worth the minute wait for some amazing (human?) noises.
10) Don't Taze Me – Tazers are inherently funny. but the Hammer remix is arguably better.
11) Flea Market Hey Hey – if I’m ever in Montgomery, Alabama, this is where I’m getting some furniture. Hey hey.