Let's begin with Clerks II. Man, these guys must have gone broke faster than Mike Tyson. Does anyone really want to see this movie? In color? Will Silent Bob finally talk? Who gives a shit.
Snakes on a Plane. Wow. This movie gives everyone hope that they, too, can be a writer of movie scripts. If I asked my four-year-old niece to think up a movie script, gave her some crayons, and waited three hours, she could have at least given me the storyboards for this one. I'll see you there opening night, though, because that shit looks awesome.
And don't forget Little Man... this could rival Weekend at Bernie's II or anything involving Paulie Shore for worst movie of all time.
On the other hand, I saw the preview for Transformers, and I don't care that Hollywood is selling my childhood back to me. That shit is going to rule.